
Stronghold kingdoms ru
Stronghold kingdoms ru

stronghold kingdoms ru

Only by engaging enemy troop s,taking ba ck village s from The W ol f and winning vote s in the p olITi cal arena can player s hope to su c ceed. Be siege the ca stle that s never been taken,overthrow ruthle s s tyrant s,bankr oll your fa ction s war e f fort,pillage your neighbour s re sour ce s,pea ce fully rAI se cattle or do IT all!

stronghold kingdoms ru

A cro s s-plat form strategy game,Kingdom s invITe s mobile and de sktop player s to battle together online by thru sting the M iddle Age s and famou s strongh old chara cter s into a per si stent MMO world. Unlike the original and cru sader,Kingdom s allow s player s to relive the M iddle Age s in the world s fir st ca stle MMO. Strongh old Kingdom s i s the MMO su c ce s sor to the strongh old ca stle building serie s,mo st famou s for the original strongh old (2001) and strongh old: cru sader (2002). IT#039 s like the child o f strongh old cru sader and cla sh o f clan s - 5/5 Quot One o f the be st online game s I#039 ve playedquot - 5/5 Quot Brilliant MMO,I love the ca stle building and fa ction war farequot - 5/5 Strongh old Kingdom s doe s boa st some intere sting feature s nda sh 148 App s More challenging than super cell s megahIT nda sh Tou ch Ar cadeĪ world map that s con stantly shi fting and adapting nda sh Po cket Gamer

#Stronghold kingdoms ru for free#

*** PLAY fOR fREE on iPhone and iPad,wITh frequent update s and cro s s-plat form multiplayer. *** LEAD your fa ction to vi ctory and forge allian ce s,be coming the ele cted leader in a player- contr olled p olITi cal RT s.

stronghold kingdoms ru

*** RE sEAR cH new te chn ology and be come a trader, farmer, cru sader,diplomat or warlord. *** BE sIEGE enemie s,trade wITh fa ction s and explore a medieval world filled wITh thou sand s o f other player s. *** RULE the M iddle Age s and wage war a cro s s England,Europe and the entire world! *** BUILD an online strongh old and prote ct IT wITh impenetrable ca stle de fen ce s. Be siege other player s,battle AI opponent s,re sear ch new weaponry, forge allian ce s and fight for the eternal glory o f your Hou se. farm pea ce fully,engage in p olITi cal mind game s, seek vengean ce on sworn enemie s and lead your fa ction to glory a cro s s a medieval kingdom. īe come Lord o f the M iddle Age s in fire fly studio s strongh old Kingdom s! Expand your medieval empire and con stru ct mighty ca stle s to prote ct IT. Besiege other players, battle AI opponents, research. Farm peacefully, engage in political mind games, seek vengeance on sworn enemies and lead your faction to glory across a medieval kingdom. ►► From the Creators of Stronghold ◄◄►► Grand Strategy MMO ◄◄►► Free to Play ◄◄►► 5 Million Players ◄◄Become Lord of the Middle Ages in Firefly Studios’ Stronghold Kingdoms! Expand your medieval empire and construct mighty castles to protect it.

Stronghold kingdoms ru